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Book Cover Reveal: When and How to Do It

Seeing your book’s cover for the first time is an exciting moment filled with joy and maybe even disbelief. Why […]

Romance Premade Book Cover Design: Specs, Process, Examples, and Challenges

As we wait for Valentine’s Day, why not talk about thematic book cover design? Moreover, we have something special for […]

Author success story. Interview with Katherine D. Graham

Would you like to know more about the writing routine and secrets of the successful indie writer? We know you […]

Ebook from Scratch: Key Elements and a Structure

Today, creating an ebook from scratch has become an accessible option for everyone. Whether you’re an aspiring author or a […]

Book cover design. Interview with Ivan Semonchuk

Would you like to get to know the people behind our premade book covers? If so, we have exciting news […]

7 Latest Trends in Fantasy Book Cover Design

The current book market boasts a wide variety of fantasy covers. Therefore, creating a design that will attract the target […]

15 Ways to Promote Your Book for Free

Promoting a book as an indie author doesn’t have to break the bank. There are numerous cost-effective strategies that can […]

ARC Team: How to Build and Use for Book Marketing

ARC teams play a crucial role in generating early buzz, garnering reviews, and building anticipation among potential readers. So, if […]
